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  • Ultimate Guide for Animal Crossing: New Horizons - How to Kick Out Villagers If You Want New Villagers Move-In?

    Learn how to kick out villagers (make villagers leave or move out) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH), for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see the best methods to get rid of villagers when you are not fond of them, or if you simply want a new neighbor.

    How to Kick Out Villagers with Time Travel

    This method requires you to time-travel. If you do not wish to do so, then read the other methods below instead.

    1. Choose which villager you want to move out.

    2. Skip the time 15 days ahead. (Skipping more days will give the same result)

    3. Check if there's a villager with a thought bubble above their head.

    4. If there isn't any villagers with thought bubbles, repeat from step 2.

    5. Check if the villager with the thought bubble is the one you want to move.

    6. If not, set back the time to 4:59 AM then save the game.

    7. Watch the daily broadcast at 5 AM then skip the time to 1 PM*.

    8. Check which villager has the thought bubble again.

    9. If it's the right one, talk to them and encourage them to leave. If not, repeat from step 6.

    10. They will be in boxes the next day, and will leave the island the day after that.

    * You don't necessarily need to skip to 1 PM, but we recommend it as it's the time most villagers are outside.

    Step 6 can be any time

    The point of step 6 is to reset the game and get to the broadcast as fast as possible, but if you're not sure you can reset it within a minute, you can set it to 4:58 or 4:57 to make sure you make it in time.

    How to Make Villagers Leave Without Time Travel

    1. Find the villager who is thinking about moving

    Sometimes, you can find random villagers wandering around outside seemingly deep in thought, with a thought bubble above their head. This is a sign that they are thinking about moving.

    If you ignore it and continue to check the following days, there's a chance the thought bubble will transfer to another random villager. If you want to kick out a specific villager, wait until they have the thought bubble. Anyone can think about moving out, regardless of your friendship level.

    2. Talk to the villager with the thought bubble

    If the villager you want to leave appears with a thought bubble, talk to them to check if they want to move out. If they do, choose the option that doesn't stop them and encourages them to move out!

    Advice: When aiming for a villager to move out, ignore all thought bubbles from other villagers.

    If you accidentally talk to a different villager and they talk about moving out, the move out thought bubble will disappear and you'll have to wait for it to come back.

    * The thought bubble can mean that a villager wants to move out, but it can also be other things, like wanting to give you a gift.

    3. The villager will prepare to leave

    The next day Isabelle will mention that the villager will move out in her broadcast. The villager will have boxes inside their home, and this is the last chance to speak with the villager.

    At this time, other players can invite that villager to their island, given that they have a vacant plot on their island.

    The day after that, the villager will have moved out, and the house plot will be on sale.

    How to Get a Villager to Think About Moving Out

    A Villager is Randomly Chosen Over Time

    You can easily find a villager with a thought bubble above their head when you time travel.

    Our walkthrough team confirmed through time travel that thought bubbles will appear again after two weeks. The explanation is listed below.

    Time Travel Method

    1. Change the date 2 weeks forward, and look for a thinking villager.

    2. Change the date one day at a time until the thinking villager is the one you want.

    3. Talk to the villager and say goodbye.

    4. If thinking villagers stops appearing for 2~3 days, repeat from step 1.

    Additional Information

    The dialogue won't appear if events like the Fishing Tourney is happening.

    It can reappear the day after events and onwards.

    Villagers inside their homes won't have the move condition.

    The condition can remain with 1 villager for 2~3 days.

    We recommend waiting until after you've unlocked Island Designer.

    Note: This was tested with 10 villagers condition

    You can use Time Travel to make the move out condition appear more easily. It's also possible to keep changing the dates to make a different villager have the condition instead, so you can keep changing the dates until the villager you want to move out has it.

    The condition moves on randomly, however, so you might have to try several times before you get the villager you want.

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