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Sign in To check your VIP level
VIP Exclusive Discount
Except using the coupons, more discount for orders are available for all registered members on ACNHITEMS.COM. Our Member Center has upgraded to help customers to earn more extra discount for orders, follow the given steps below to get certain discount and use them directly when you place orders at our website.
Membership levels for five different discounts at our store:
VIP 1:Your consumption is < 50 USD, you will get 1% discount when you make new orders.
VIP 2:Your consumption is ≥ 50 USD and < 150 USD, you will get 2% discount when you make new orders.
VIP 3:Your consumption is ≥ 150 USD and < 300 USD, you will get 3% discount when you make new orders.
VIP 4:Your consumption is ≥ 300 USD and < 500 USD, you will get 4% discount when you make new orders.
VIP 5:Your consumption is ≥ 500 USD, you will get 5% discount when you make new orders
If you have any doubts, please contact us through our 24/7 Online Service.

How to get Member discounts for your order

First, you have to Sign Up our membership on our site and Log In your account before making order on ACNHITEMS.COM
Your total consumption for your orders determines your Member level which dictates the discount rate you can get.
You can go to the Member Center to check your Member level and discount rate.
How to get Member discounts for new order

Log In your account before making order on ACNHITEMS.COM
Go to make your order, your Member Discount will be used to reduce the payment automatically.
You could not use Discount Coupon and Member Discount at the same time.